Martin is a family guy named Harv in Marin County, California facing all of the trends of the 70s at once: a newly liberated wife, bratty kid, drugs, free love and macrobiotic lifestyles. All of his friends react in different ways, but Harv doesn't really freak out until his daughter is swept up by a religious cult.

That's about all the plot, but the characters are enough to keep anyone interested. Highly recommended, click the link below to buy at amazon.com.
Click here to hear Michael Johnson sing the title song of the movie, "It's A Changing World".
I'm glad to see there are other Serial fans out there. I just picked this up on dvd and you know what? They were making fun of the 70s while it was going on! That strange jargon alone (those wedding vows! That shrink's peer group dynamics etc.) is worth the price of admission. Always love Lalo Schifrin, jazz pianist composer too.
Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.
Awesome web site, I had not noticed cranchedfornow.blogspot.com previously in my searches!
Keep up the great work!
"Serial" is a cult classic among my friends from college, and we watched it endlessly for its complete mockery of new age nonsense. This kind of film is absolutely necessary to counteract the effects of the self-important, self-absorbed on our society, and the best way to do that is through humor.
So, unless you have certain Victorian prejudices about what a guy does with his weekend, check it out!
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